Wednesday 9 May 2012

I just pulled a receipt out of my coat pocket which looked like it had been through the washing machine - crumpled, damp and blurred - a souvenir of our recent trip to Hardy's nursery.  Those of us who had been before dressed for an expedition to the Arctic, but it was still not quite enough and Debbie and Claire resorted to crocheted blankets on their knees.  Rosy treated us to a cheerful show of spring plants, with a little lecture on each and personalised gardening tips along the way while the rain thundered down on the tin roof.  New land speed records were set as we sprinted across the barn at half time to get our hands round a hot drink and some very decent chocolate biscuits.  Miraculously, the rain stopped just as the talk ended and we were able to wander around and yield to temptation.  Hands up who's planted everything they bought that day...